Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ripened Fruit

It is said that one's success can be measured by the fruit they bear. At the beginning of last year, I had a conversation with my mother where I summed up my feelings of spiritual development and maturation using this analogy. It was at the top of 2010 that I began to feel like "ripened fruit." Sounds strange right? My mother listened intensely as I elaborated on this simile. I explained that it is in seed form that all of our existences are founded, developing in the mother's womb until we are ready to sprout, announcing our arrival in this world.
As we grow, beyond the nurturing confines of the womb, there are several external conditions that we must face that either stunt or stimulate our growth. But, if we can weather the stormy days, we will look up and find that we are still standing, strong and fertile. While standing firmly, with feet planted deep within the earth's core is necessary for survival, what then signifies success. At some point in our spiritual and natural development, we must become more than solid trunked trees. We must bear fruit. So, what  happens to your fruit when it is your divine season?
The very fruit of our gifting, talents, and purpose was never intended for the tree itself. Sure, it is pretty to look upon, some even adorned with flowers. But, there comes a time, as I would explain to mom that our fruit becomes too ripe for the very tree that yielded it. It was last year this time that I began to feel like ripened fruit, ready for the picking. By this I mean, there was a knowing that the divine season to begin sharing my fruits of gifting, talents, and purpose with the world was at hand. When ripened fruit is picked or even falls from the tree, it is nature's way of saying "You are ready to be shared, to bring some other creation sustenance, or nourishment."
Now, we all know what happens to ripened fruit that is never picked or eaten in its divine season; it rots. The beautiful thing is the cyclical nature of the Creator allows for it to  decompose right back down to the seed and begin again within the Earth. But, that seed must patiently wait for that divine season of ripened fruit to come around once again. So, where are you on the tree of life? Are you the seed, the sprout, the deeply rooted tree beginning to bear fruit? Or, are you as I realized I was a year ago: "ripened fruit, ready for the picking?" 
Don't miss your divine season if it is indeed upon you. Seize it, for someone else is waiting to be nourished by your ripened fruit.---Love, Baria Leshea Jennings

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