"Little Earthquake" Thought of the Day

"When doubt creeps into your psyche, replace it with an affirmative I Am statement...I am beautiful, worthy, good enough, valuable, persevering, a survivor, a leader, victorious. I am a Little Earthquake, and the world is better because, I simply am!"
"Don't be afraid to share your gifts and talents with the world, because your gift is truly your gift. Wrap it up in excellence, and allow it to touch the lives of all those around you."--BLJ

"Hatred is simply love turned inside out. Those who seemingly hate you, actually love something about you that they do not possess themselves. So continue to be the one and only, great version of you that you were created to be. Keep loving yourself, and let the haters keep loving you the only way they know how."--BLJ

"Today a princess, tomorrow a queen. So, honor your Queendom today."--BLJ

"There are lessons and blessings all around you. Don't get distracted today, Little Earthquakes. Get all of the knowledge and beauty that is resting on this day, with your name all over it."---BLJ

Carry yourself like the treasures you are in this world, hidden away so that no one will rob you of your precious jewels or minimize your value with their own negativity."--BLJ

"Love yourself like you expect others to love you, because you are worth it. And, sometimes they just need a little modeling."---BLJ

"Love is the very thing that you find when you really see yourself, the way God sees you."--BLJ

"Knowledge is necessary, but revelation is what you need to activate it."--BLJ

"Expect the impossible to lie. Possibility is the only truth there is."--BLJ

"Remain grateful and you willl have the ability to carry the weight of greatness."---BLJ

"Stay focused on where your diligence will carry you, and the work becomes a playground for your soul."---BLJ

"Listen to all of the teachers you'll meet in life, and get the lesson so that you don't repeat the course."-BLJ

"You are more powerful than even your most powerful thought."

"Beauty is the one accessory that looks best when you wear it inside-out."

"To my beautiful "Little Earthquakes" keep climbing the ladder of your dreams until they are your reality. This is your year to embrace your unique talents, giftings, and purpose to shake this world up for the better! How strong will your earthquake be this year? I challenge you to break the Richter scale and boldly change the world. ---Live with Love, and Love like your Life depends upon it."---BLJ

My mantra and life motto is "If you reach beyond the capacity of your grasp, you will never pull back an empty hand." To all of my "Little Earthquakes" this means reach for dreams and goals that are beyond your mind's eye and you will never settle for more than you are worth."--BLJ


"Don't allow negative thoughts to creep into the spaces of your mind where the next marvelous chapter of your greatness lies."--BLJ

"Today is a day you've never seen, do something positive you've never done to make your dreams come true."--BLJ

"Love is what you find in between self and esteem."--BLJ

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."  ~Author Unknown

"No matter how difficult the road ahead may seem, walk it anyway if you ever want to meet the best of you."--BLJ

"Choose your friends carefully. Those who you surround yourself with, have the ability to be either a bridge or a cage. What type of person is the one you call friend?"---BLJ

"Don't Give up, Think Up!!! Renew your mind today and watch God reroute your path!! Your tomorrows are greater than you know..."---BLJ

"No matter how long your list of enemies, the most powerful enemy you will ever know has a three letter name: Y.O.U. Get out of your own way and accept that your unique talents and abilities will be your best friends if you allow them to simply be."----BLJ

"The space you encompass in this Universe, can only be inhabited by you. Stand in your God given space and  be victorious in all that you do."---BLJ

"No one else in this world will ever operate in it exactly the way you do. Appreciate anything that sets you apart, because this is where your true purpose rests."---BLJ
"Jump into your dreams with courage. Those who discourage you will not matter on the other side."---BLJ