Monday, September 20, 2010

Trust the Process

Along the path least traveled, the walkway is not straight but the focus must remain infinitely linear. Though your feet may trip amongst themselves, they too will find grace. Although your hands may tremble for fear of their own power, they will be still long enough to create the masterpieces that only they can.
One can not let the mind linger in the desolate dungeon of doubt for destruction will surely surmount. Instead, be one with your own breath until you recognize its familiar touch in the wind. Find solace in  your palpatating heart until you realize its rhythm in the roaring applause of thunder.

Oh yes, there will be brambles, ditches, confidantes turned conquistadors, and unforeseen rabbit holes on the way to Wonderland-(Just ask Alice!), but you must trust the process.

For, there is always a process on the road to an expected end. If you can endure the process, the end will only be the beginning.  
--Baria Leshea Jennings

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