When the thought of a dream manifested scares you out of your socks, walk barefoot in the direction of your vision. When your feet get blisters from the rocky road you must travel to get to your destiny, soak them in a salty pool of prayer and meditation and then go on! If a dream deferred "festers up like a raisin in the sun," then let's not talk of deferred dreams. Instead, let us ponder the potential of a dream fulfilled. When you have exhausted every avenue of a dream until the very mention of it makes you ill, don't give up!!-That's when you know you're close! You can never give up on a dream that has your DNA all over it, and it could never be birth through anyone else quite the way it was intended to be birth through you. So, hold fast to your dreams, and when you're at the end of your rope-tie a loop, sit in it, and swing-Wheee!!! When you want to cry, cry until you laugh so hard it makes you cry again! Whatever you do, don't give up on you,--- barefoot, blisters and all! You too can press on towards a dream fulfilled. Rest assured somebody, somewhere is waiting on the fulfillment of your dream.
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