Monday, November 22, 2010

Creative By Design

This is a day handcrafted by the Creator with the same loving hands that designed you. He was satisfied when He stepped back from His creation, because everything that you would ever need to be successful in your lifetime was divinely downloaded in your DNA from conception. You were not an accident. God made you on purpose, wonderfully and fearfully created. As a purpose filled creature, know that you are also a creative being by design. Even if you never paint like Van Gogh or have the ability to compose symphonies like Mozart, creativity is innately at your disposal.

You see, we were not intended to live a life void of creative expression. Instead, our words were meant to create sentences that have the power to propel others towards their destinies. Our hands were made to bring forth peace to all those we touch. Our feet were crafted to charter paths of greatness for all those who will come after we are long gone. We are creative beings by design. Every facet of your being was meant to innovate! Think about it. If there were no need for you to do something on this Earth that has never been done before, you would have never been created. But, Aha!--- Here You Are. Don't underestimate the power you possess as a purpose-filled, creative being.

Go out today, and create a way out of no way!
Baria Leshea Jennings

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