If this year were a ladder and each of your goals were a rung on it, then which rung would you be standing on in relation to your goals? If you ponder this image, you might visualize yourself at the very top of the ladder with much accomplished this past year. Or, maybe you are somewhere in the middle with some of your goals for 2010 lingering on to become a rung on the ladder of 2011. Still, there are some who may find yourselves on the very first rung with all of the distractions and foggy complications of life blurring your vision so that all you were able to see this year was the rung before you with the rest of the ladder obscured by life's circumstances. Even still, there are some who were content this year to simply watch others ascend their ladder of goals but never took the time to step on their own.
However, all hope is not lost. In fact, tomorrow is the day that you can firmly place your brand new ladder against the wall of life and begin to climb fearlessly towards your destiny. Take the time today to write down your goals for the new year. In this way, your rungs will be positioned for your eminent success in 2011 and beyond. After you have constructed your ladder with goals, go ahead and get a head start. Place one foot before the other and begin to surmount your greatest fears, rise to the occasion of your deepest desires until you breathe in the crisp air at the altitude of your wildest dreams!Climb, baby climb!! Keep rising my friends,as I will, and this time next year we shall meet each other at the top!!
---Live with Love, and Love like your Life depends upon it.----Baria Leshea Jennings
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